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pompom villa, private dinner, dinner party

Pompom Villa Private Dinner Party is one of our event catering services to provide catering services at Villa Pompom- Canggu. We are open to ideas from our customers to make their dinner parties memorable. Furthermore, we accompany our team and chef to our customer’s villas to cook and serve food on the spot. This makes us feel like doing restaurant services in a life way in their private villa. This event is popular in Canggu because most accommodation here is private villas. Meanwhile, this service will provide exclusive benefits for our customers to enjoy food in their villa area.

Presenting Restaurant Services in Private Villas

Private villas are generally only in private accommodations with limited room service. Villas in Canggu Bali usually do not have restaurants or other outlets such as bars. Thus, many of their guests have to leave the villa/hotel to get food. Likewise, many use food delivery services where the food is cold and takes a long time to get it. For this reason, Puri Boga Restaurant is proud to offer private dinner services at our customers’ villas. Likewise, our chef comes to cook dishes according to their orders directly at the villa. This service attempts to present restaurant service now in the villa they are staying at.

They have a private chef to cook the food they like that night. Also, they no longer have a way out to order or buy food. Besides, they don’t have to bother buying ingredients because we have prepared everything. This service gives a good impression that they get exclusive service from our chefs and waiters.

Bar Services at the Dinner Party Event at the Villa

Besides food, we also provide bar services in their villas. We serve drinks according to the drink list that we have. Our customers enjoy cocktails made by our waiter before moving on to dinner time. This is a service above their expectations. We can provide restaurant and bar services at their dinner party. So, this is a reference for those of you who want similar services at the villa or hotel you are staying at. For that, please get in touch with our team to get an attractive offer.

Event Details

  • Start Date 24 January, 2023
  • Start Time 18:00
  • End Date 24 January, 2023
  • End Time 22:00
  • Location Pompom Villa Canggu
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